Metaphysical Girl Music Video Drop - Symbolism, Music and Healing Through Creativity

I've featured a giant white statue of a girl with a bun on her head and her finger up to her mouth in my latest music video – Metaphysical Girl. The statue was erected quietly in Fall 2021. With out fanfare , she just showed up one day. And it all seemed so bizarre given her size and majesty.

She is on the Jersey City Shore side, facing and shushing NYC. Why? What's her meaning and message? Locals wanted to know and it all seemed quite mysterious. Especially creepy, was her gesture to remain silent. This symbol has been historically used in some sinister ways. I won't go down that conspiracy rabbit hole here. But one example floating around is She is a gift from China to tell the USA, “go quietly into the night as your hegemony fades...”

But the meaning behind why artist Jaume Plensa created Water's Soul, and why it was commissioned, is not the reason I'm writing today. I'd like to speak about using symbols to express our soul's language. And about reclaiming symbols to empower and heal ourselves and our planet.

This statue is an example. At first I was very put off by it. Almost offended. It took months to see her in a different light. She began to reflect something back to me. In Water's Soul, I found a beautiful representation of a pure, uncorrupted part of me. This part of me has never been able to talk freely about my deepest and truest thoughts. I have never felt they were welcomed in polite society. and became increasingly shy with age. This is why I came to art all those years later, to express all that was going on inside of me.

I've always been aware that this world is not what it seems. And in fact, many perceptions are upside down. Like caring more about your career than your soul. Like correcting and telling others how to live, when your own life is a wreck. But people often don't want to talk about the truth of situations, even if it would improve their life to know. They'd rather fit in and stick with official narratives. It's always been this way. And hence I've always felt that I'm shushed when I try to talk about the elephant in the room; especially as a young, innocent girl.

But this motivated me to find my voice through music and art. Paradoxically, I can express myself freely under the cover of sound, light and color. I also find that English is very restrictive and I'm unable to express complex, out of the box ideas with out combining them with music, images, and symbols. These are the languages of the Spirit.

This song metaphysical Girl was written so long ago. I had been single for ages at that point. And though I was studying so many profound metaphysical subjects such as subatomic realms, dimensions, astral travel; I felt day to day life was proving very difficult for me. In particular, having true and real relationships. By then, I matured enough to know I was not turning out to be Madonna's ‘Material Girl’. Though I idolized her and that song as a girl, I was not lured by lust for material gain. However, I did feel trapped by this material world she sang of… and this is what I was expressing then.

Though I am much older and wiser now, I decided to do a music video for the song because I wanted to add symbols and visuals. I wanted to bring it even more to life and share it for others who might be going through a similar growth period.

I used the statue Water's Soul by Jaume Plensa to symbolize my Mind. My Spirit is represented by me - dancing in another dimensions, but also seemingly trapped by the Matrix, 3-D world represented by NYC - (the best symbol for this ever! )

The bubbles represented guys I had crushes on but never had the guts to pursue something beyond fantasy with. And the bursting bubble represents all those disappointing moments when you realize you've been chasing yet another illusion.

There’s something so satisfying about having those symbols come together to express more completely how I felt then, and even now to some degree. Wanting to be free of the constraints, drama and struggle of the Material, Rat Race World. And it’s so hard to talk about these things with people. That’s where the shushing finger comes in…

But Oh man! I've just realized something - I realize it's the girl doing the shushing... not being shushed! - which is how I took all this time. Another case where my traumas, and past stories kept me from seeing what's right in front of me. Huge insight - I now see that it is SHE that is shushing the world! Not being shushed! This actually symbolizes the mind's ability to quiet busy and frantic world. Instead, she is going inward to tune into her spirit. This is something I’ve been guided to do more of lately. And it’s coming out here subconsciously in my video now!

This is so cool. These realizations are why I do art and music. Through my creativity, I get more and more in tune with my spirit. This is the process of healing to me; releasing and forgiving the parts of me that are lost and out of line. Hidden with guilty.

By sharing this process, I hope to inspire others to use their creativity to get more and more in tune. Harmony is contagious. Tune in for yourself...